The Problem: SiriusDecisions, among other research analysts, have determined that due to the powers of Internet search, BtoB buyers are moving through up to 70% of the buying cycle before interacting with sales teams. Social media particularly can present a promise of increased lead generation, content life and partnerships due to instant information and communication. However, channel marketers are still faced with the obstacle of determining an efficient social strategy that formulates compelling dialogue and provides efficient information.
The Solution: To address the need for a more streamlined social media process and increase overall vendor presence, purechannelapps developed socialondemand. The solution was designed to create an outlet for vendors to extend their content and increase company awareness among reseller clients and partners. Because vendors do not have the same quantity of contacts as resellers do in their customer base, content life is sparse. Hardware providers also struggle to develop an efficient social media strategy due to lack of time, staff and budget. Conversely, resellers and intermediaries do not have the time or resources to create relevant and engaging content, but have a hearty base of Twitter followers and Facebook friends.
Socialondemand is designed to allow vendors to deliver end-user content directly to partners on an integrated platform of their social networks. Vendors can tag posts based on content categories (product news, white papers, case studies, etc.), target audience, languages and territories. Resellers/intermediaries can then decide which social networks they’d like to post content to based on their targeted user base. Posts also can be edited and revised before they’re republished via individual social media accounts.
The Perks: By implementing socialondemand, vendors can multiply their social media reach, maximize word-of-mouth and increase content proliferation. socialondemand allows vendors to take advantage of the growing social media market by extending content to end-users that are connected to partners. In turn, content can reach thousands of followers/friends in a timely manner while giving partners control over how content is marketed. Content reach can be tracked and analyzed to determine how many posts, downloads and click-throughs it accumulates.