Channel Marketer Report

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Guide To Marketing Automation, CRM & PRM

Shadow_CMR_Guide_CRM_Marketing_Automation_v6At Channel Marketer Report, we focus on covering the latest trends and pain points evident in channel relationships across markets. One trend that seems to consistently surface is ensuring sales and marketing alignment through in-depth reporting and opportunity management, as well as seamless access to marketing and sales collateral.

Best-in-class vendors, however, are exceeding competitors by aligning their CRM databases with marketing automation and Partner Relationship Management (PRM) solutions. PRM solutions are designed to help bridge the gap between partners and vendors, ensuring improved results and connectivity across
the channel.

With our second annual Guide To Marketing Automation, CRM & PRM, we will provide you with updates from some of the leading solutions in the marketplace. In addition, we hope to share insights around the features and capabilities of other emerging solutions designed specifically for organizations that operate in the channel.

Companies featured in the report differ in expertise and offerings, providing a variety of options to help integrate sales and marketing across the channel.

We hope this, and all other Channel Marketer Report guides, are helpful in your endeavors to ensure more successful sales and marketing initiatives.

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