The Problem: Nearly three quarters (72.6%) of salespeople using social selling as part of their sales process outperform their sales peers and exceed quota 23% more often, according to Aberdeen Group research. However, it may be challenging for marketers to identify valuable connections and prospects, and develop meaningful relationships with them. This is especially true for resellers who sometimes don’t have the time, manpower or processes in place to implement an effective social selling strategy.
The Solution: Socedo is a tool that enables users to leverage social media for lead prospecting and engagement. The solution is designed to help users find social media prospects and qualify them automatically by leveraging their social media profile. Users can setup search criteria for specific prospects, prioritizing data such as:
Users are presented with a list of social prospects that meet their predetermined criteria, which can be approved, declined or held for further review. Approved prospects are then engaged, allowing users to further nurture prospects along the sales lifecycle.
The Perks: Socedo provides users with automated messages that can target social prospects via Twitter and LinkedIn. The solution also automates several social media tasks, such as favoriting particular tweets or following a prospect at a predetermined time of the day.
Socedo reports highlight key analytics regarding high-value prospects so further action can be taken, while also providing the right messaging that brings relevancy to the target audience. It allows marketing and sales teams to manage their pipeline by providing valuable insights via the Socedo dashboard.