Channel Marketer Report

Lead Generation

At Channel Marketer Report, we take great pride in working with you to ensure that the right executives are receiving and responding to your messaging and offers.  Whether we create the content or use existing content, our lead generation programs are designed to garner the type of downloads you need to generate profitable opportunities!

Click here to download a sample list of the companies and titles that have downloaded our partners’ content this year!

Cost Per Lead Programs:

We’ll work together to establish your lead goals, discuss your required fields and any filters that you are looking to establish. From there we’ll work to reach your pipeline goals — it’s that simple! We’ll utilize all of our resources to help you accomplish your goals on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis including:

  • Custom Landing Page
  • Evites to the CMR subscriber base
  • Text ads on the CMR site
  • Text ads in the CMR weekly Newsletter
  • Text ads in the CMR Digital Resource Center
  • Promotion via CMR Social Media Outreach (LinkedIn Groups, Twitter, etc.)
  • Partners and sister publications

Basic CPL programs investment starts at $50 CPL, Minimum Order 100 Leads

Basic program includes:

  • Name
  • Title
  • Company
  • Email
  • Phone Number

Additional fields and custom filters may be added. Contact us for pricing.