Every month, there are 10.3 billion Google searches, and 78% of all U.S. Internet users research products and services during their time online. Sales professionals may be asking themselves: Why should that matter to me? Because more buyers are beginning their journeys online and, in turn, are consulting sales later in the game! This infographic, […]
More buyers are utilizing search engines, social media and other research strategies to learn about solutions. Due to these behaviors, manufacturers must work harder to ensure their partners have the most effective collateral and marketing resources to go to market. Asigra, a provider of enterprise cloud backup, recovery and restore software, recently unveiled multiple enhancements […]
The Problem: The gap between vendor content and partner marketing experience and resources has created a daunting hurdle for organizations across the channel. In fact, research from SharedVue reveals that 63% of solution providers have no internal marketing resources. VARs and resellers not only require hard-hitting content, but also the ability to receive updated marketing […]