An increasing number of B2B executives are using their smartphones and tablets to read reviews (56%), access product information (55%), compare features (50%) and compare prices (48%). With 16% of B2B site traffic coming from mobile devices, organizations must make their content and online experiences optimized for these smaller-screened devices. This infographic, courtesy of Usablenet, reveals […]
The total number of smartphone users worldwide will reach 1.75 billion by the end of 2014, according to estimates from eMarketer. Tablet adoption also is expected to experience a strong growth trajectory, with the tablet market expected to increase 47% this year, according to Gartner. And the overall benefits of mobile devices have never been […]
Mobile usage is on the upswing, with 56% of American adults now using smartphones, versus 46% in 2012, according to the Pew Internet & American Life Project. Additional research from Pew also indicates that tablet adoption has accelerated tremendously: 34% of American adults own tablet computers, versus only 18% using the devices a year ago. […]
The Problem: More sales teams are on the go, attending conferences and visiting customers and prospects worldwide. In turn, many organizations are seeking optimal tools and solutions to make channel information available via tablets and smartphones. As of July 2012, more than half (55.5%) of mobile subscribers own a smartphone, according to Nielsen. Furthermore, Javelin […]
Mobile has been a hot topic within customer-facing verticals such as retail, restaurant and hospitality for more than two years now. Mobile point of sale (mPOS) in particular has generated tremendous buzz within these markets, as technology and service providers strive to keep pace with new consumer trends and develop optimal solutions for end-users. In […]
The rise of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) business models, and the growing threat of cyber crime have led to an increased need for endpoint security, and in turn more opportunities for the channel. Since these trends are impacting both SMBs and large enterprises alike, Kaspersky Lab is planning a forceful channel expansion on an […]