Channel Marketer Report

Channel News

ShopVisible Launches New Partner Program

ShopVisible, a software-as-a-service e-Commerce platform provider, has launched a new partner program. The Partner Connect Program was developed to provide organizations with expanded business opportunities, as well as the chance to earn incentives on client revenue.

Agencies and system integrators participating in the program will be trained to become solutions experts with experience integrating enterprise resource planning (ERP), warehouse management solutions (WMS) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. Partners also will be equipped to provide creative site configuration and front-end deployment.

Sean Cook, CEO of ShopVisible, said the program was launched to meet the growing demand for experts in the e-Commerce space and to provide “existing clients with even more flexibility.”



About Alicia Fiorletta

Alicia Fiorletta is Senior Editor for Channel Marketer Report. Working closely with industry analysts and experts, Alicia reports on the latest news, technologies, case studies and trends coming to forefront in the channel marketing world. With a focus on emerging marketing strategies, including social, mobile and content for demand, Alicia hones in on new ways for organizations to market to and through their partner networks. Through her work with G3 Communications, Alicia also acts as Associate Editor for Retail TouchPoints, a digital publishing network focused on the customer-facing area of the retail industry.

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