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Infinite Peripherals Partners With Mercury Payment Systems

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Infinite Peripherals, Inc. (IPC), a mobile point-of-sale (POS) developer, has established a new partnership with Mercury Payment Systems, LLC, a payment technology and service provider for small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs). 

Through the business relationship, IPC has integrated into Mercury’s payment processing platform, MercuryPay, to provide a secure payment solution compatible with IPC products, including the Linea Pro and Infinea Tab

The Linea Pro and Infinea Tab enhance Apple’s iPhone, iPod Rouch and iPad with an encrypted MSR, barcode scanner, RFID and Bluetooth chip. In addition to offering mPOS, the solutions are designed to enable seamless inventory management, asset tracking, ID verification and lead tracking.

“We are thrilled to offer our dealers and developers the opportunity to use Infinite Peripherals’ devices,” said Matthew Ozvat, Director of Developer Integrations at Mercury. “IPC’s hardware is robust and SRED-certified; they have extensive deployments and a commitment to exceptional customer service. It’s an ideal partnership.”

To facilitate the integration, IPC collaborated with JR’s POS Depot, Mercury’s third-party key injection facility to arrange encryption services, which adheres to Visa USA Encryption and ESO standards.

JR’s injects the Mercury encryption (E2E) key into the Linea Pro or Infinea Tab MSR, enabling the MSR track data to be encrypted directly at the point of swipe. Data remains encrypted all the way to Mercury’s servers. 



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