Channel Marketer Report

Resource Center

Market Development Funds Blueprint

Any well-constructed building starts with a sound blueprint and a clear understanding of the expected outcome. In addition, there are milestones and touchpoints that confirm whether the project is on track throughout the building process.

Your promotional allowance program is no different. This simple analogy may seem obvious, but many marketers have assigned to their program the vague goal of “increasing sales” without establishing clear key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the outcome. Or worse, they have a program that is designed to “meet competition” but calls for no concentrated effort to optimize the investment.

Revising your market development fund (MDF) program is a great way to pick the low-hanging fruit and improve with minimal investment. This report outlines 10 strategies you can use to create a modern program guaranteed to enhance your channel engagement and partner relations, including:

  • Aligning to partner goals;
  • Using marketing enablement to increase performance;
  • Setting up campaign marketplaces for high-potential partners; and
  • More!

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