During this episode of ChannelChat, Bob Grabowski, Honeywell’s Retail Vertical Marketing Manager, discusses the company’s reliance on partners and resellers to boost presence across retail and hospitality markets.
“We rely on our ISVs, distributors, resellers and other partners to receive in-depth market intelligence, especially among small- to medium-sized retailers,” Grabowski said. “Our presence is felt mostly through those partners.” Grabowski also offers detailed insights on Honeywell’s ongoing strategy to keep pace with trends in mobile POS and Software-as-a-Service, including the release of the vendor’s new mobile payment platform.
RetailNOW is the premier event for vendors and manufacturers to connect with partners, as well as prospective resellers. Moreover, the conference offers in-depth insights on the latest technological trends in retail, restaurant and hospitality markets, allowing organizations to make better decisions on product offerings and features.