TreeHouse Interactive, a provider of cloud-based partner relationship management (PRM) and marketing automation platform (MAP) solutions, recently added a new Secure Search module to its Reseller View platform.
The PRM system offers extensive partner automation, portal customization and partner marketing enablement. With the Secure Search module, partners will be able to search content seamlessly and access the resources they need, based on their geography or market focus. As a result, vendors won’t need to spend money custom-building their solutions in house.
“The cost and complexity of doing search in a password protected environment is significant,” said Erich Flynn, CEO of TreeHouse Interactive, in an interview with Channel Marketer Report. “There are very complex security requirements over and above password. A partner’s status — such as Platinum, Gold, Silver, Authorized or Certified partner — will govern access to certain content. Also there are implicit permissions to content based on attributes like geography, and explicit permissions to access information such as a management reporting folder that should be taken into account. Building a system like Reseller Secure Search on your own would cost more than $100,000.”
Reseller View Secure Search is designed to deliver Google-class search capabilities for partner portals, allowing users to:
Reseller View Secure Search technology crawls web pages, metadata, content within files and files in protected folders to deliver comprehensive search results. Search results are displayed and ordered by the most recent content origination date to provide partners with the most recent, and relevant, information. Advanced security features can distinguish by user login, so partners receive content based on their tiers or attributes.