Channel Marketer Report

Channel News

Qlik Enhances Channel Program To Enable Partner Delivery Of Customer Lifetime Value

Qlik, a business analytics platform provider, has announced a new cloud services track to help partners navigate shifting technology needs, new customer buying behaviors and evolving partner ecosystems through collaborative engagement. The new track enables partners to join in the growth trajectory of cloud and transform their businesses to a lifetime value model focused on service, success and solutions.

“The SaaS economy has shifted the world from a product to services mindset, which requires a modern approach that targets a broader ecosystem while providing multiple engagement models,” said Mike Capone, CEO at Qlik, in a press release. “Our partners have always been a critical part of our success, and we are committing the resources partners need to build profitable and thriving recurring revenue businesses around our cloud platform.”

“Historically, our engagement with our partners has been transactional in nature. It’s ‘you do a deal, you get paid this amount, here’s your discount to be able to transact,’” Peter Leddy, Qlik’s Vice President, Global Partner Organization, told CMR. “What we’re addressing is the shifts that we’re seeing with our partners, this service mindset, the aspect of recurring revenue models and a focusing on customer experience and customer success. We’re incentivizing our partners to own that customer throughout that customer life cycle and making sure that they’re driving the right engagement and driving the right behaviors.”

The company is taking a customer success initiative that is has followed for many years and striving to push that same approach to its partner base, enabling them in the same way, giving them the best practices, and customer health checks to make sure that they’re operating as an extension of Qlik.

To achieve that, the company is striving to align support for partners with their individual customer engagement models. “We’re starting to get partners that mix across different dynamics. We have partners that are building out technology platform solutions. We have GSI partners that are wanting to resell and work with us in marketplace type engagements,” said Leddy.

Peter Leddy, Vice President, Global Partner Organization, Qlik

“As all of these different types of partners are really just coming together, that told us that we need to think about how we engage with these partners less from a partner type and more from an engagement model. So if a partner wants to sell with us, great, if they want to do services, if they want to go and drive customer success, if they want to look at solutions, these are the ways that we’re looking to structure that engagement with our partners moving forward.”

The program updates will enable a closer customer relationship for partners, helping them deliver consistent value through deeper focus on customer success. This will in turn create additional recurring service opportunities and revenue streams based on “owning” the customer lifecycle — adoption, expansion and renewals. Program elements are all designed to make it easier for partners to work with Qlik to meet modern customer needs and drive larger and more strategic customer opportunities, including:

  • A co-sell model that extends Qlik’s contracting, order management, and subscription management infrastructure directly to customers, reducing partner overhead and risk;
  • A focus on the expanded opportunity for additional partner services and managing customer success outcomes with Cloud and SaaS go-to-market alignment;
  • Integrated CRM/PRM experience that streamlines and simplifies partner sourcing, opportunity management, sell and support processes, giving partners more visibility and alignment with customers;
  • New incentives to reward partners at every stage of the relationship, from initial sale through ongoing expansion and success achieved throughout the customer lifecycle and subscription term;
  • New and improved rules of engagement that provide increased clarity when engaging with Qlik sales and generating increased opportunity for our partners; and
  • Partner advocacy with a new Ambassador program that will recognize individual partner team members who are driving direct impact for customers.

