New communication touch points and tactics are emerging on a daily basis, but one hard fact remains: It is becoming increasingly challenging for vendors to stand out and effectively engage with partners. Although capturing partner attention and engendering long-term loyalty is a consistent dilemma, why hasn’t more movement been made? More importantly, what best practices […]
The Problem: When operating in a channel-orientated business, it is important that vendors involve their partners and resellers in marketing activities. They are an incredibly valuable resource for reaching a wider audience and increasing brand awareness, but having control over branding and information being shared is paramount. Sadly, with 80% of resellers* stating that time […]
More channel organizations are weighing the benefits of social sharing and engagement for demand lead generation. Following the launch of purechannelapps in June 2011, and a successful partnership with Acronis, a disaster recovery and data protection solution provider, the company has opened U.S. offices in Austin, Texas. The expansion of purechannelapps will help the organization […]
Acronis, a provider of disaster recovery solutions, recently announced the worldwide rollout of social syndication tool, socialondemand, to select partners worldwide. Following a successful trial of socialondemand during October 2011, Acronis has white-labelled the patent-pending social media offering as its own, under the AcronisGoSocial brand name. AcronisGoSocial will be used to share and distribute targeted […]
The Problem: SiriusDecisions, among other research analysts, have determined that due to the powers of Internet search, BtoB buyers are moving through up to 70% of the buying cycle before interacting with sales teams. Social media particularly can present a promise of increased lead generation, content life and partnerships due to instant information and communication. […]