Channel Marketer Report

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HootSuite Launches Solution Partner Program

In the vast social media landscape, VARs, agencies and consultants are challenged with mastering an array of communication tools and tactics. This is especially challenging in the social media space, in which it’s a daunting task for channel marketers to obtain and utilize social best practices and avoiding branding and communication silos.

HootSuite, a social media management dashboard provider, has launched a new Solution Partner Program in an effort to provide users with optimal resources for social engagement and in turn, create new revenue sources. Forrester Research predicts that enterprise social software will become a $6.4 billion market by 2016. To keep pace with this demand, HootSuite has rolled out two new program offerings: the Pro Solution Partner Program and Enterprise Solution Partner Program.

The Pro Solution program is positioned and modeled after the unique needs and pain points of small agencies, consultants and associations interested in offering HootSuite Pro to individuals and SMBs. The Enterprise offering is streamlined for larger agencies, ISVs, and VARs looking to offer the HootSuite Enterprise platform to social media teams, corporations and larger organizations.

As the social media market continues to explode and social interactions grow more sophisticated, social media management tools will grow in even greater demand, according to Matt Switzer, VP of Partnerships and Corporate Development for HootSuite.

“Early on, social media management systems like HootSuite were confined primarily to marketing and PR departments, and as a result, were often off the radar for traditional VARs,” Switzer explained. “Today, channel marketing has become much more sophisticated, and has found significant value in adopting social media practices across companies and industries. And because social platforms are so accessible, VARs of all shapes and sizes are realizing that social is not only accessible, but also hugely rewarding.”

By partnering with HootSuite, organizations will be able to obtain a greater breadth of knowledge regarding social media best practices and necessary materials.

Key resources included in each program include:

  1. HootSuite Solution Partner Portal: A web site for partners to access resources quickly and seamlessly.  
  2. Partner Badges: Accredited partners can display HootSuite Certified Solution Partner badges on their web site.
  3. Partner Resources: Partners receive on-demand access to educational resources and marketing materials necessary to better position themselves as optimal sources for HootSuite products and services.

Businesses across sizes and verticals are eager to take advantage of social technology, leading to greater business opportunities for VARs, consultants and agencies. With social media becoming more commonplace in the B2B world, Switzer predicted that organizations will soon evolve to become more socially-driven.

“Social started with users interacting with each other, and brands were quick to catch on, scrambling to be where their customers were and where important conversations were taking place,” Switzer explained. “The next evolution is the social enterprise, an organization where social is not just a function of the marketing department, but is a part of every facet of a company’s entire business. This is a huge opportunity for channel marketers given their expertise in enterprise solutions and we look forward to working with them to help leverage the power of social.”

The direct and immediate nature of social media allows organizations to develop a deeper level of engagement, versus more traditional channels, Switzer said. “This is making social the most compelling medium a business can employ to engage their customers,” he explained. “However, this level of engagement requires a need for personality and authenticity. Though B2B and channel companies are eager to leverage the incredible power of social media, they must also work harder to communicate their personality and culture, finding a balance between openness and dialogue while maintaining the company’s core values.”

HootSuite’s newest programs shortly followed the company’s announcement that it had surpassed the 3 million user sign-up mark. The company also released a variety of new apps, which are available in the sites App Directory. HootSuite’s key social network integrations include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ Pages.




About Alicia Fiorletta

Alicia Fiorletta is Senior Editor for Channel Marketer Report. Working closely with industry analysts and experts, Alicia reports on the latest news, technologies, case studies and trends coming to forefront in the channel marketing world. With a focus on emerging marketing strategies, including social, mobile and content for demand, Alicia hones in on new ways for organizations to market to and through their partner networks. Through her work with G3 Communications, Alicia also acts as Associate Editor for Retail TouchPoints, a digital publishing network focused on the customer-facing area of the retail industry.

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