Channel Marketer Report


Allbound Automates Activity Recommendations Based On Partner Behavior

Allbound is enabling channel professionals to influence partner behavior by automating recommendations of actions based on partner activity in the portal. The Partner Journey Automation feature was developed to meet the needs of clients looking for new ways to deepen engagement with their partners “at the right time with the right message,” the company said.

The Partner Journey Automation feature makes it easier to encourage partners to complete desired actions for increased channel success. Trigger-based messages, based on customer given rules, drive partner workflows and boost interaction within the partner lifecycle.

Based on several years of researching indirect sales behavior, Allbound said its data shows a direct correlation between partner engagement and overall channel success. However, keeping partners engaged has challenges with scale, time zone and success measurements.

By creating trigger-based notifications for actions within the platform, channel managers can automate delivery of appropriate messages to encourage partners to complete desired actions. Alerts will signal when partners take a specific action in the portal such as updating a deal or completing a learning track. Channel managers can also be reminded when partner have not logged in within a timeframe or engaged in some other way.

Partner Journey Automation prioritizes scalability and ease-of-use. With automated notifications and recommended steps to take in the portal, Partner Journey Automation enables channel managers to customize every experience for partners and continually progress through the lifecycle, said Allbound.

“Hours of customer meetings, user testing, and an amazing amount of design, development and testing has culminated in Partner Journey Automation. We are truly confident this will take Allbound’s platform to the next level of partner engagement for our customers,” said Ryan Sherman, Vice President of Product Management. “This release is only the beginning for workflows, messaging, and systems we can integrate.”

