Everything Blockchain (EBI), through its subsidiary Vengar Technologies, has launched a channel program to deliver its data protection solution, EB Control, for small and midsized businesses that need to share proprietary and sensitive information.
Not quite a year old, the company’s go-to-market strategy is 100% through the channel, Robert Huffman, Channel Program Director, told CMR. “Since this is both a new product and initial launch of our channel program, we expect to do more of the heavy lifting on the lead generation side and funnel those leads to partners to help prime the pump in expanding our partner ecosystem. As we gain market recognition and adoption, we expect partners to take on more lead generation effort in their respective territories.”
Partners engaged in the program will be able to provide their customers with a product that offers military-grade encryption, without the labor required to define rules or manage keys, EBI said in a press release. Companies who use EB Control will retain total control over the data they own, regardless of where it travels once it leaves their possession for the remainder of the data’s lifetime.
“The channel is the best way to ensure that EB Control is available to as many organizations as possible so they can protect their intellectual property against insider threats, third party breaches or human error,” Huffman said.
Channel program partners will receive benefits such as opportunity registration and protection, co-marketing support, competitive pricing assistance and early access to product updates. EB Control for Business is only available through the Vengar Technologies Channel program.
A channel-focused marketing program will support partners with co-branded sales materials, event and trade show participation, joint press releases on key events, joint email sales campaigns, demo software and case studies. EB Control staff and resources will be available to support partner events, including trade shows, lunch & learns, webinars and joint email campaigns and sales calls.
Market development funds will be provided on an activity or event-basis and partner sales success. Partners that follow up on leads and close opportunities will be eligible for more MDF, Huffman said.
A partner portal is in development. EBI currently uses HubSpot for both CRM and marketing automation.