Channel Marketer Report

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IBM Helps Partners Expand Netezza Adoption With New Sales Resources

Following its successful acquisition of Netezza, IBM is furthering the business venture with the launch of a new global initiative to increase Business Partners analytics portfolio. The IBM Netezza appliance suite includes sales, marketing and technical resources to increase partner sales of the technology into financial, healthcare, and energy and utilities industries.

Netezza appliances are designed to be fully functional within 24 hours of deployment and to analyze petabytes of data more efficiently at a generally lower cost per terabyte. The solution also allows partners to provide business users with analytics across an organization including sales, marketing, product development and human resources.

“Netezza appliances provide IBM resellers, systems integrators and independent software vendors with a unique opportunity to grow their business,” said Arvind Krishna, GM of IBM Information Management, in a press statement. “Business analytics is going mainstream and IBM’s goal is to arm its partners with the right skills and support to help our clients take advantage of this trend. These resources are geared to make it easy for our partners to quickly infuse Netezza into their business model.”

With the new initiative, IBM partners are expected to provide credit-qualified clients with necessary resources to finance Netezza appliances through IBM Global Financing with a 0% financing option for one year. Clients also will have access to flexible payment options and terms including 24 and 36-month rates. Qualified partners can implement a 24-month leads to place Netezza inside data centers for demonstration, development, testing and training.

IBM will host a worldwide Webcast to provide detail on how IBM partners can take advantage of these new resources to market and sell Netezza appliances on September 15.



About Alicia Fiorletta

Alicia Fiorletta is Senior Editor for Channel Marketer Report. Working closely with industry analysts and experts, Alicia reports on the latest news, technologies, case studies and trends coming to forefront in the channel marketing world. With a focus on emerging marketing strategies, including social, mobile and content for demand, Alicia hones in on new ways for organizations to market to and through their partner networks. Through her work with G3 Communications, Alicia also acts as Associate Editor for Retail TouchPoints, a digital publishing network focused on the customer-facing area of the retail industry.

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