Getting The Funds You Need To Drive Channel Growth
Channel teams can contribute to much or all of a company’s revenue. Yet sometimes, they are significantly underfunded and are unable to execute the campaigns and initiatives they desire.
During an upcoming webinar, Laz Gonzalez of SiriusDecisions and Debra Delaney, CEO of CCI, will outline how channel teams not only can track and measure program results, but also relay financial information and requirements to the rest of the organization.
This presentation will walk attendees through the “rules of the channel road,” spotlighting:
- Helpful tips that put channel players on the same page with corporate finance, accounting, legal, sales and marketing.
- Proper financial management that enables SiriusDecisions’ “intelligent growth” best practices framework for channel organizations.
- The key differences between Capex and Opex accounting and why these concepts are critical to every channel team.
- Key aspects of U.S. and global legislation that have big implications for how organizations run and fund their team and partners.
- The “7 Ps” of effective partner investment.
Click here to register for the webinar.