Channel Marketer Report


Dialog Edition From Marketo Aims To Ramp Up Email Personalization Efforts

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The Problem:
While email continues to be one of the most frequently used tools for businesses to engage with customers, marketers have fell into a routine that leaves email marketing campaigns repetitive and monotonous. And although email and analytics services providers help improve click-throughs, customer personalization is often inadequate or nonexistent.

The Solution: Marketo will launch its latest solution, Dialog Edition, on October 25. Dialog Edition is designed to help businesses create personalized email campaigns that nurture individual relationships with consumers. Features include real-time content and personalized messages to help advance engagement on an individual level.

Using the solution, marketers can receive a detailed view of customer behaviors across different channels, including the company web site, social media and email. This behavioral information is applied to fine-tune and select content that will benefit specific customers. The solution will then track the entire conversation to ensure content is not duplicated and that the experience is beneficial for the consumer.

The Perks: Dialog Edition can manage communications with customers from beginning to end as a result of the variety of behavioral data it obtains. Because Dialog Edition is an automated solution, users won’t have to manually input data or perform any other actions within the program. 



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