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Neat Unveils Certified Partner Program

the-neat-company_logo_1893Neat, a small organization systems provider for small businesses, announced the launch of the Neat Certified Partner Program. The program is designed to help Neat users improve document and data management capabilities by offering them an assortment of hardware and software solutions.

The partner network will accept members that offer systems and devices that can integrate with Neat, and improve data capture and management for business documents. Neat also will certify professionals who are willing to offer training and integration services for Neat users. HP and Intuit are the first members of the Neat program. Additional partners will be announced in early 2015.

“The Neat Certification Program will help small businesses make Smart Organization part of their regular business processes,” said Chris Barbier, VP of Product Management at Neat. “Neat and its Certified Partners bring business owners, employees and office managers a better way to get vital data from common business documents and put it to work for their operation — so they can get to what matters most.”



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